Thursday, 28 February 2008

Things I've discovered this past week

So a quick review of things I've discovered this week.

(1) The reasons that certain people have not been replying to my emails. Yes you may be now with my ex, but I split up with him. To be honest you're welcome to him.
(2) That I can give a lecture that I have spent not as much time on as I should have, and get away with it. Not an experience I'd willingly repeat, but good to know.
(3) That my house can survive a 5.2 earthquake
(4) That it is easy to initially think a truck had crashed into the house, at the start of an earthquake (despite the fact that there is no probable cause for a truck to be within 50 m of the house).
(5) That despite knowing the theory of what to do in an earthquake I actually stayed on the sofa and thought cool. I'm hoping that if I was somewhere that earthquakes are potentially larger (e.g. LA) I'd do the right thing (drop to the ground/find a doorway or desk).
(6) My undergraduate institution continues to produce a good newsletter, my Mum liked the pretty picture on the front (a 16th Century Indian print).
(7) Not so much discovered, but re-affirmed the joys of Skype.
(8) I am more like my parents than I would have liked to admit 5 years ago.

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