Saturday, 1 March 2008

Leap year post

So taking the meme idea from Revd Dr Mom.

But this seems to be more a general recollection of that time in my life. Two leap years sets takes me back to school.

29 February 2004: First year of my part-time job/part-time PhD. Struggling to do PhD work outside of my classes apart from stuff associated with work. Relationship wise I was single, having dated a couple of guys in quick succession in late 2003/early 2004. This was mainly to get over the boy not wanting a long distance relationship, it didn't really work. This period of time was when I was at my most promiscuous. Not something I'm particularly proud of, and not necessarily would do the same again, but don't totally regret it.

29 February 2000: This was when I was starting to realise my first undergrad degree really wasn't for me. If it was a week day I would have spent it in lab, playing with chemicals. I was with my first long term boyfriend (who by the end of the year I would no longer be with).

29 February 1996: GCSE year at school which means I was hanging out with some unhealthy relationships, but saved by Saturday morning music school friends. We either had just or were about to compete in the National Festival of Music for Youth regionals in concert band. In this year we actually got through to the finals in the Royal Festival Hall in London. We were writing our Records of Achievement, which bizarrely I'm following my 16 year old aspirations (on a varied timeline).

29 February 1992: School, first year of secondary school. Not much was happening, I was finding my feet a bit.

29 February 1988: This would be my first year at junior school, I was probably off sick at home. That school year I spent as much time off school as in, which may have been a good thing as I was bored out of my brain. That year I had chicken pox, suspected German Measles and multiple chest infections. I brought chicken pox home and it spread to Gillian and my poor Mum, who hadn't had it before. Dad had to stay home from work to look after us all.

29 February 1984: I was at playschool. I think we had snow around this period of time looking at pictures of me and friends (who I am still friends with now) in family photo albums.

29 February 1980: Mum was 6 months pregnant with me!

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